Gold Flintlock Pistol 18th Century
Gold Flintlock Pistol 18th Century
In stock | Item Code: G1077L
This is a replica of a Gold Flintlock Pistol that has been made from wood and metal. The flintlock pistols had the blistering of a flint or flint stone, which when the hammer was triggered, it produced the spark that ignited the gun powder. All these pistols required the manual recharge of their ammunition after each shot. These pistols were used as self-defense weapons until the middle of the 19th century. Their effective range was short and often they were used as a complement to a sword or knife. Flintlock pistols were prone to many problems compared to modern weapons, due to moisture or accidental shots. In combat, usually these weapons were used for a single shot, since the method of reloading was very slow and it was not usually time enough to recharge, due to this fighters after firing were often forced to draw their swords to as the circumstances did not allow to recharge them in time.
- Height: 68 cm
- Colour: brass, brown, silver
- Material: wood, zamec
- Weight: 1.98kg